Have you ever sat in a pub with a group of friends and asked or been asked "What's your favourite song of all time?"...or your favourite movie, football team, TV programme etc for that matter? If you've been asked a similar question, you've probably been asked what your Top Ten Songs, Movies, TV Programmes etc are. If you have, this website is going to put to rest any pub-like debate.

Although she did not know it, when Carol Lumsden of Haddington, Scotland invited a few friends round for an evening listening to their favourite songs, a new phenomenon was born. This night would be the first ever Top Ten Night, and would prove to be a huge success. Her daughter, Mhairidh Lumsden then carried on the tradition. She arranged a Top Ten Night with her friends in Southgate, London. It also was a success.

In January 2003 Top Ten Night 2003 hit Manchester. Mhairidh, Lucy O'Meara and myself listened to 30 songs from number 10 down to that elusive number 1, consuming various alcoholic beverages along the way! How any of us could hear or see straight was a miracle.

By the time January 2004 came round, the Top Ten Night was becoming a regular event and 2004/05's event was not a disappointment. Mhairidh, Lucy and myself again whittled the songs down from 10 to 1.
By February 2004 The Official Top Ten Site was up and running!

Top Ten Night 2004/05 was a roaring success. Myself, Mhairidh and Adam Boobyer spread the proceedings over a whole weekend and enjoyed our Top Ten Drinks, Sweets and Crisps along the way too. By the end of the weekend (4.31am) it was all over for another year!

Top Ten Night 2005/06 was held in the borders of Scotland and was attended by Mhairidh, Nicola Morgan, my sister Sally and myself. It was held in September due to my departure to Australia. Now in it's fourth year it was exceptional. You can see all the proceedings in the Photo Gallery.

The website is finally completely ad-free! If you can see adverts then your on the mirror site. You need to go to The Official Top Ten Site and join us there.

The site has been up and running since February 2004 and to date has had more than 12,000 visitors. Many lists have been submitted to the site, and more are being submitted every day. On all of the lists' pages, at the top of the page, there is a link to "The Definitive List". This is a compilation of every list in that category to find the ultimate Top Ten! In the event of a tie, it will come down to number of votes then highest single vote.

The date for Top Ten Night 2006/07 has been set and it will be either Sept 2nd or 3rd. It should be a BIG party as it is it's 5th birthday!

With Top Ten Night 2006/07 just around the corner there will be masses of changes to the site over the next few months. Top Ten Night will be held in the UK on Sept 2nd/3rd which leaves me less than 4 months to complete the changes. The changes include: Adding 35 more lists taking the tally to 150, moving the site to it's very own domain! (which will mean all adverts from the site will be removed), updating every list, sorting the backgrounds and updating all definitive lists, increasing traffic to the site etc etc.

Please feel free to browse all the lists in their various categories below, and should the urge get you, please submit your own lists.

Lists to date: 170

MAIN: Home | What's New? | Credits | Links | Photo Gallery | Submit A List | Guestbook |

ANIMAL KINGDOM: Top Ten Animals | Top Ten Birds | Top Ten Fish | Top Ten Insects | Top Ten Pets | (5)

CELEBRITIES: Top Ten Comedians | Top Ten Men | Top Ten Porn Stars | Top Ten Professional Plonkers | Top Ten Women | Top Ten Worst Celebrities | (6)

COMPUTERS & THE INTERNET: Top Ten E-mail Forwards | Top Ten Hardest Things To Google | Top Ten Websites | (3)

FOOD & DRINK: Top Ten Beers | Top Ten Biscuits/Cookies | Top Ten Crisps | Top Ten Desserts | Top Ten Dirty Burgers | Top Ten Drinks | Top Ten Foods | Top Ten Ice Cream Flavours | Top Ten Pubs & Clubs | Top Ten Restaurants | Top Ten Sweets and Chocolate Bars | Top Ten Wines | (12)

GAMES & TOYS: Top Ten Board Games | Top Ten Computer Games | Top Ten Drinking Games | Top Ten Toys | (4)

HISTORY: Top Ten Historical Characters | Top Ten Inventions | Top Ten Worst Inventions | (3)

LIFE & DEATH: Top Ten Baby Names | Top Ten Fears | Top Ten Flatmates | Top Ten Dinner Guests | Top Ten Exhilirating Experiences | Top Ten Habits | Top Ten Worst Habits | Top Ten Prized Posessions | Top Ten Sexual Positions | Top Ten Professions | Top Ten Worst Professions | Top Ten Things To Change About Yourself | Top Ten Things To Not Change About Yourself | Top Ten Ways To Kill Time | Top Ten Worst Self-Inflicted Injuries | Top Ten Worst Ways To Die | (15)

MUSIC: Top Ten Songs Of All Time | Top Ten Worst Songs Of All Time | Top Ten 60's Songs | Top Ten 70's Songs | Top Ten 80's Songs | Top Ten 90's Songs | Top Ten 00's Songs | Top Ten Albums | Top Ten Artists/Bands | Top Ten Worst Artists/Bands | Top Ten B-Sides | Top Ten Bands | Top Ten Bands In One Show | Top Ten Bar Songs | Top Ten Christmas Carols | Top Ten Christmas Tunes | Top Ten Composers | Top Ten Female Vocalists | Top Ten Frontmen/Frontwomen | Top Ten Funeral Songs | Top Ten Guitar Solos | Top Ten Intro's | Top Ten Live Artists/Bands | Top Ten Lyrics | Top Ten Male Vocalists | Top Ten Music Videos | Top Ten Musical Events | Top Ten Musical Instruments | Top Ten Radio Shows | Top Ten Radio Show Hosts | Top Ten Weirdest Famous Band Names | (31)

SIGHTS & PLACES OF INTEREST: Top Ten Alton Towers Rides | Top Ten Attractions | Top Ten Beaches | Top Ten Cities/Towns | Top Ten Countries | Top Ten Places To Holiday | Top Ten States | (7)

SPOKEN AND WRITTEN WORD: Top Ten Authors | Top Ten Books | Top Ten Comics | Top Ten Magazines | Top Ten Newspapers | Top Ten Quotes | Top Ten Sayings | (7)

SPORTS: Top Ten Boxers | Top Ten Footballers | Top Ten Premiership Games | Top Ten Premiership Goals | Top Ten Premiership Managers | Top Ten Premiership Players | Top Ten Worst Premiership Signings | Top Ten Premiership Teams | Top Ten Sports Events | Top Ten Sports Moments | Top Ten Sports Stadiums | Top Ten Sports Stars | Top Ten Sports Teams | Top Ten Sports To Play | Top Ten Sports To Watch | Top Ten World Cup Games | Top Ten World Cup Goals | Top Ten World Cup Players | Top Ten World Cup Teams | Top Ten World Cup Tournaments | (20)

STAGE & SCREEN: Top Ten Movies | Top Ten Worst Movies | Top Ten 60's Movies | Top Ten 70's Movies | Top Ten 80's Movies | Top Ten 90's Movies | Top Ten 00's Movies | Top Ten Comedy Movies | Top Ten Disney™ Movies | Top Ten Movie Characters | Top Ten Movie Chase Scenes | Top Ten Movie Directors | Top Ten Movie Endings | Top Ten Movie Moments | Top Ten Movie Quotes | Top Ten Movie Scores | Top Ten Movie Soundtracks | Top Ten Movie Stars | Top Ten Movie Stunts | Top Ten Movie Taglines | Top Ten Movie Theme Tunes | Top Ten Movie Trilogies | Top Ten Musicals | Top Ten Plays | Top Ten Scary Movies | Top Ten Scary Movie Moments | (26)

TV: Top Ten TV Programmes | Top Ten Worst TV Programmes | Top Ten TV Characters | Top Ten TV Moments | Top Ten TV Personalities | Top Ten TV Quotes | Top Ten TV Theme Tunes | Top Ten TV Adverts | Top Ten Worst TV Adverts | Top Ten TV Advertising Slogans | Top Ten Cartoons | Top Ten Cartoon Characters | Top Ten Cartoon Theme Tunes | Top Ten Friends Characters | Top Ten Jim Henson™ TV Characters | Top Ten Kids TV | Top Ten Kids TV Characters | Top Ten Kids TV Theme Tunes | Top Ten Scary TV Moments | Top Ten Soaps | (20)

OTHER: Top Ten Top Ten Lists | (1)


Top Tenners have been here since 1st Feb 2004!

© Alastair Taylor 2004