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Top Ten Inventions
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Top Ten Inventions include any invention which has an inventor. Eg Something as vague as "Sports" wouldn't be acceptable as there is not one or two inventors for it. However "Football" would be acceptable.

Alastair Taylor's List

  1. The Wheel - Russia/Mesopotamia - Proto-Aryans/Sumerians (c 3500 BC)
  2. The Personal Computer - USA - Micro Instrumentation Telemetry Systems (1974)
  3. The Steam Engine - England - Thomas Savery (1698)
  4. The Clock - The Netherlands - Christiaan Huygens (1656)
  5. The Light Bulb - USA - Thomas Alva Edison (1879)
  6. The Lavatory - England - Sir John Harington (1591)
  7. The Telephone - Scotland/USA - Alexandra Graham Bell (1876)
  8. Aspirin - Germany - Felix Hoffmann (1897)
  9. The Television - Russia/USA - Vladimir Kosma Zwarykin/Philo Taylor Farnsworth (1923/1927)
  10. The Condom - Italy - Gabriello Fallopio (c 1597)

Craig Williams' List

  1. Porn on DVD - ? - ? (?)
  2. The Television - Russia/USA - Vladimir Kosma Zwarykin/Philo Taylor Farnsworth (1923/1927)
  3. The Remote Control - USA - Zenith Electronics Corporation (1950)
  4. Beer - Mesopotamia - Sumerians (4000 BC)
  5. Pizza - Italy - ? (1000 AD)
  6. The Chair - ? - ? (?)
  7. Sky Television - England - Rupert Murdoch (1984)
  8. The Portable Fridge - Japan - ? (c 2000)
  9. The Mattress - USA - James Marshall (1900)
  10. The Wheel - Russia/Mesopotamia - Proto-Aryans/Sumerians (c. 3500 BC)

Mark Mullen's List

  1. Electricity - England - William Gilbert (c 1600)
  2. The Microchip - USA - Jack Kilby/Robert Noyce (1959)
  3. The Car - Germany - Karl Benz (1885)
  4. The Internet - Tim Berners-Lee - ? (1980)
  5. The Aeroplane - Sir George Gayley - England (1773-1857)
  6. Telecommunication - Various - Various (1840-1870)
  7. The Telescope - Hans Lippershey - Netherlands (c 1570-1619)
  8. Space Travel - Various - Various (1840s)
  9. - - ()
  10. - - ()

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Copyright A.Taylor 2004