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Top Ten Movie Moments
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Alastair Taylor's List

  1. The final scene with Kevin Spacey - The Usual Suspects
  2. The scene with the Mexican man, his daughter and the Persian man - Crash
  3. The final scene - Primal Fear
  4. The bus scene - Final Destination
  5. The poster scene - The Shawshank Redemption
  6. The final execution - The Green Mile
  7. The final scene - Unbreakable
  8. The final battle - Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
  9. The newsreader's voice is changed scene - Bruce Almighty
  10. Hilary Swank's last fight - Million Dollar Baby

Mhairidh Lumsden's List

  1. The final scene with Kevin Spacey - The Usual Suspects
  2. The "The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore" scene - Truly Madly Deeply
  3. The scene where Ewan McGregor dives down the toilet - Trainspotting
  4. The opening scene ("look at me, jerking off in the shower") with Kevin Spacey - American Beauty
  5. The opening scene - Sound of Music
  6. The scene when Leo Fitzpatrick comes downstairs from shagging a virgin to meet Justin Pierce. Casper- "What did she smell like?". (Telly lifts two fingers to Casper's nose). Casper- "Mmm, butterscotch" - Kids
  7. The "white man's overbite" scene with Billy Crystal - When Harry Met Sally
  8. The final scene with Ethan Hawke doing the "Oh Captain, My Captain" thing - Dead Poets Society
  9. The opening scene - Bring It On
  10. The scene where Hermione Granger enters Harry and Ron's train compartment - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Matt Tipton's List

  1. Rutget Hauer's final speech & scene - Bladerunner
  2. Willem Defoe's final scene - Platoon
  3. The scene at the end where Clint Eastwood walks into the bar - Unforgiven
  4. The T-Rex crashes through the fence - Jurassic Park
  5. The scene where the alien bursts out of John Hurt's chest - Alien
  6. The "Is she a true blonde" shower scene - M*A*S*H
  7. Roy Scheider's final scene with the shark - Jaws
  8. Brad Pitt commits the 7th deadly sin - Se7en
  9. The cafe scene with Al Pacino & Robert De Niro - Heat
  10. 50 hard-boiled eggs - Cool Hand Luke

Mike Letts' List

  1. The walking head scene - The Thing
  2. The nerd crying scene - The Breakfast Club
  3. The scene where the swordman is shot - Indiana Jones & The Temple Of Doom
  4. The "Is she a true blonde" shower scene - M*A*S*H
  5. The epiphany scene - Pulp Fiction
  6. The comparing scars scene - Jaws
  7. The beach landing scene - Saving Private Ryan
  8. The "switch me on" scene - Ghostbusters
  9. The car chase scene - Bullit
  10. The final fight scene - Midnight Sting

Iain Parker's List

  1. The water slide scene - The Goonies
  2. The revelation scene - The Sixth Sense
  3. The "shit on the blanket" scene - Trainspotting
  4. Tom Berenger's realisation scene - Shattered
  5. The floating head in the hole of the boat scene - Jaws
  6. The curb stone scene - American History X
  7. The library/old woman ghost scene - Ghostbusters
  8. Ray Winstone sunning himself - Sexy Beast
  9. Alien opens mouth(s) inches from Sigourney Weaver's face - Aliens
  10. Ray Winstone rebellion scene (snooker ball in sock etc) - Scum

Donna Benzie's List

  1. The final scene - Dirty Dancing
  2. Tom Cruise singing The Righteous Brothers in the bar - Top Gun
  3. The volleyball scene - Top Gun
  4. The "You can be my wingman any time" scene with Tom Cruise & Val Kilmer - Top Gun
  5. The curb stone scene - American History X
  6. The final scene - A Few Good Men
  7. The final scene - Centre Stage
  8. The scene after the Prom - She's All That
  9. The policewoman scene - Days Of Thunder
  10. The final court room scene with Tom Cruise & Jack Nicholson - A Few Good Men

Ben Calderbank's List

  1. The car boot scene - Goodfellas
  2. "Bohemian Rhapsody" car scene - Wayne's World
  3. Luke Skywalker Vs. Darth Vader final battle scene - Return Of The Jedi
  4. Alien bursting out of John Hurt's chest - Alien
  5. "He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy" scene - Life Of Brian
  6. The battle for the Pelenor fields - Return of the Kings
  7. Chainsaw in the shower scene - Scarface
  8. The Biggus Dikkus scene - Life Of Brian
  9. The scene when Gandalf talks to Pipin about death - Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
  10. Getting high with Scooby Doo - Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back

Mark Mullen's List

  1. The final scene with Kevin Spacey - The Usual Suspects
  2. The christening/execution scene - The Godfather Part II
  3. The scene where the alien bursts out of John Hurt's chest - Alien
  4. The "Say hello to my little friends" gun fight scene - Scarface
  5. The russian roulette scene with Robert De Niro - The Deer Hunter
  6. Brad Pitt commits the 7th deadly sin - Se7en
  7. The revelation scene with Edward Norton & Richard Gere - Primal Fear
  8. The devil's children final scene with Keanu Reeves and Connie Nielsen - Devil's Advocate
  9. The scene where Neo saves Trinity from the crashing helicopter - The Matrix
  10. The beach landing scene - Saving Private Ryan

Anthony Berry's List

  1. Thelma & Louise drive into the Grand Canyon - Thelma & Louise
  2. The Toro's Final Cheer - Bring It On
  3. The Ladies do lunch - The Sweetest Thing
  4. The Pink Panther dance routine - Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle
  5. Vazquez surrounded in the tunnel - Aliens
  6. The head clamp - Saw
  7. Beatrix Vs. Elle - Kill Bill: Volume I
  8. Ripley in the yellow loader - Aliens
  9. The two stoned old ladies in the village shop - Saving Grace
  10. Brad Pitt commits the seventh deadly sin - Se7en

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Copyright A.Taylor 2004