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Top Ten Scary Movies
See The Definitive List here!

Alastair Taylor's List

  1. Jaws
  2. An American Werewolf in London
  3. A Nightmare On Elm Street
  4. My Little Eye
  5. The Others
  6. It
  7. The Shining
  8. The Mothman Prophecies
  9. Halloween
  10. The Abyss

Mike Letts' List

  1. An American Werewolf In London
  2. Dark Side Of The Moon
  3. The Entity
  4. The Omen
  5. Alien
  6. Poltergeist
  7. The Thing
  8. Jaws
  9. A Nightmare On Elm Street
  10. The Shining

Iain Parker's List

  1. A Nightmare On Elm Street
  2. The Thing
  3. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Original)
  4. Jaws
  5. The Entity
  6. The Omen
  7. Candyman
  8. Aliens
  9. The Amityville Horror
  10. A Nightmare On Elm Street 3

Anthony Berry's List

  1. Saw
  2. Hellraiser 3
  3. A Nightmare On Elm Street
  4. Poltergeist
  5. The Entity
  6. Salem's Lot
  7. Aliens
  8. Jaw
  9. Child's Play
  10. Long Time Dead

Iris Waldron's List

  1. Wrong Turn
  2. 28 Days Later
  3. Gothica
  4. Salem's Lot
  5. The Ring
  6. Halloween
  7. Silence Of The Lambs
  8. A Nightmare On Elm Street
  9. The Shining
  10. Darkness Falls


Copyright A.Taylor 2004