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Top Ten Sports To Watch
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Alastair Taylor's List

  1. Football
  2. Basketball
  3. Athletics
  4. American Football
  5. Darts
  6. Cricket
  7. Formula 1
  8. Snooker
  9. Swimming
  10. Baseball

Mike Letts' List

  1. Football
  2. American Football
  3. Pool
  4. Formula 1
  5. Boxing
  6. Touring Cars Racing
  7. Female Mud Wrestling
  8. Golf
  9. EXTREME Fighting
  10. Wrestling (WWF)

Donna Benzie's List

  1. Football
  2. Athletics
  3. Boxing
  4. Cycling
  5. Tennis
  6. Netball
  7. Basketball
  8. Rugby Union
  9. Hockey
  10. Swimming

Craig Williams' List

  1. Ice Hockey
  2. Inline Hockey
  3. Rugby Union
  4. American Football
  5. Basketball
  6. Football
  7. Baseball
  8. Lap Dancing
  9. Boxing
  10. Tennis

Donna Vevers' List

  1. Football
  2. Rugby Union
  3. Cricket
  4. Golf
  5. American Football
  6. Hockey
  7. Tennis
  8. Basketball
  9. Squash
  10. Boxing

Richard Attwood's List

  1. Football
  2. Rugby Union
  3. Tennis
  4. Basketball
  5. Boxing
  6. Womens Wrestling (Only in jelly)
  7. Hockey
  8. Snooker
  9. Australian Football
  10. Womens Beach Volleyball

Mhairidh Lumsden's List

  1. Football
  2. Athletics
  3. Rugby Union
  4. Tennis
  5. Golf
  6. American Football
  7. Basketball
  8. Darts
  9. Badminton
  10. Hockey

Mark Mullen's List

  1. Football
  2. Rugby Union
  3. Ultimate Fighting Championship
  4. Boxing
  5. Martial Arts
  6. Formula 1
  7. American Football
  8. Snooker
  9. One Day Cricket
  10. Female Mud Wrestling

Iain Parker's List

  1. Football
  2. Rugby Union
  3. Boxing
  4. Cricket
  5. Darts
  6. Athletics
  7. Basketball
  8. Tennis
  9. Women's Beach Volleyball
  10. 70's/80's UK Wrestling

David Kemp's List

  1. Football
  2. Golf
  3. Snooker
  4. Tennis
  5. Rugby Union
  6. Darts
  7. Men's 100 Metres
  8. Boxing
  9. WRC
  10. Cock Fighting

Copyright A.Taylor 2004